Gender pay gap – one month to go

With less than one month to go until gender pay gap figures are required to be published this year, some employers have already published their figures.

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There appear to be mixed results across these, but even if there has been an improvement, this is 1 – 2% at best. Research undertaken by the equality charity the Fawcett Society has found that at the current rate, it will take the UK 60 years to close the gap.

The Government has previously published guidance for employers on ways to help close the gender pay gap. Actions are targeted towards recruitment practices and retaining women in work, particularly women returning to work after maternity leave. However, for some sectors such as STEM, where only small numbers of women join or work in the profession anyway, practices should be more focussed on teaching young girls the value of their contributions to STEM and encouraging more girls to consider a career in this area. A one size fits all approach to suggestions to reduce the gap will not suit all sectors.

If you’re reporting your gender pay gap for the first time, or you’ve reported before and want advice on preparing a report which demonstrates a commitment to closing the gap, Capital Law can help. We undertake gender pay gap audits for our clients to help them understand their figures and advise on steps you can take to close the gap.